Category : Linux

Serving in-file covers to MPD

It’s been quite a while that I’m using a MPD server on my raspberry + hifiberry [1] to play my digital music on my amps. It works very well, the sound is very good and I can control it with my phone, laptop, tablet etc…  That is great. What is less great is that MPD

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KDE: Sprint to reorganize the wikis (at CERN)

Hey there! You might have heard of my proposition to reorganize the wikis. I posted it on kde-devel, kde-www and kde-community. What’s the point? You might have seen that Techbase [1] is a mess[citation needed]. It’s quite hard to know if an article deals with KDE4 or KF5 as plenty of the pages are drafts

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Amarok is slowly catching up

I was previously working on Macaw-Movies (already in the KDE Community) and, after a while, I felt really alone and wasn’t so sure if a movie organizer still made sense in this all-connected time, where you can stream whatever you are interested in. I finally went to the Amarok guys, cloned the source and began

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Installing the Raspberry Pi

I’ve got this Raspberry Pi 1 Model B for almost 2 years. I did install ArchLinux on it a while ago and played a little. And then, because I had no project it could be used for, I just left it in a closet… Until yesterday, that a friend came out with a good idea.

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