Archive for : December, 2015

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KDE: Sprint to reorganize the wikis (at CERN)

Hey there!

You might have heard of my proposition to reorganize the wikis. I posted it on kde-devel, kde-www and kde-community.

What’s the point?

You might have seen that Techbase [1] is a mess[citation needed]. It’s quite hard to know if an article deals with KDE4 or KF5 as plenty of the pages are drafts for another draft that is almost done… but almost.

What’s the plan?

So basically, our part in the sprint would be to take Techbase, read most of the documentation, and order/tidy up. This would entail putting all the KDE4-related pages in a new namespace, the drafts and unneeded pages in an other (to review before being removed),…

It’s also about planning for the future: do we accept to do a sprint for this every N years? Or do we introduce a sort of validating process for what is going to be in the wiki? And all the ideas that can come to you as well.

And that’s not all! We are kindly invited for this sprint by the teams of WikiToLearn, Plasma and KDEEdu, so we’ll meet all these humans who were hidden under names and pseudos. And that’s nice! (Yes, it will be my first Sprint, and also the first time I meet KDE developers for real…).

Where and when?

Here comes the best part: the Sprint will take place at CERN. I don’t know if we’ll get to visit (but I hope so), but already having been there, I can say being in the place is already quite exciting!
So let’s meet on March 7th in Geneva!

How do I join?

Here is the link where you need to register if you want to join physically: [2]. Please choose Wiki/Documentation as the team you are joining.

Here are the directions to get to CERN: [3].

Is it possible to give a hand remotely?

Of course it’s possible. I don’t know how it is going to be organized to deal with the different timezone but any kind of help is welcomed, always!

And now?

I’ll drop a link on the mailing-lists so that we prepare the Sprint some time ahead… But I think that there is no hurry 🙂

See you there and in the mean time:
Cheers and have fun!


[1] Techbase:
[2] Register here:
[3] Get to CERN: